Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 5, 2010

The cat's out of the bag.

So I didn't intend on telling sister or our parents that I am not using birth control anymore, but sister is home for the long weekend and I was at my parents' house for dinner last night and holy hell am I ever terrible at keeping secrets. Sister is angry at me because she wants me to be unpregnant to come visit her in France. According to her, it is impossible to have a good time in Europe unless you are drinking wine.

My family also fails to understand the difference between us forgoing birth control and actually, you know, trying. With the having sex all the time and on the appropriate days and all that business. So they gave me a hard time about that. And about the hypothetical baby names husband and I have agreed on and hey, I guess this is why I didn't plan on telling anyone until I had good news(!!) to share. Too late now.

In other news, husband and I ventured back to my dear gynecologist to discuss "family planning," as the nurse so politely put it. After which she remarked how young we are. God, I get tired of hearing that. Doctor assured us that getting pregnant should be quick and easy and we talked about all the thing I already know, like how sushi is verboten, so yesterday I most definitely ate sushi for lunch. I probably will continue to do so on a regular basis until there is a possibility of pregnancy because sushi, you will be greatly missed. Now I just need to get me some prenatal vitamins.

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 5, 2010


Hello Reader! (OMG! I have a reader!) Hello Readers would probably have a nice ring to it, but as it is I am only aware of one (hi!), and I am not fancy enough to like, track hits or whatever. Nor do I care. (Actually I am completely vain and I do but oh well.)

So, privacy. I started this blog mostly anonymously, because the whole baby-making thing isn't "out" yet (although I don't exactly keep it a secret either), and because I don't want random sixth-grade class mates Googling me and finding this and then posting about it on Facebook, and I probably don't really have to worry about anyone caring enough to Google me anyway.

But should I get pregnant, I'm going to want to post about ten gazillion pictures of my now flat stomach and then my slightly less flat stomach and then ever expanding belly, and then of course pictures of my hypothetical future baby and I'll want to tell you (oh, sole reader) the name we decide on, and other such details and I won't really be anonymous anymore, will I?

I guess we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

I'm pretty boring right now. i am working all the time, and therefor I am completely exhausted all the time that I am not working, and I spend a lot of time contemplating my cervical mucus and silently willing it to become more fertile. Really exciting, I know.

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 5, 2010

My husband is a philistine.

I tried to watch Moulin Rouge with him tonight. About 20 minutes in he claimed it was the third worst movie he had ever seen. I let him go about half way through because he was checking Facebook updates on his iPhone every three seconds, and it was terrible and distracting and I cried by myself.

I think at one point husband may have been a romantic, but I think that point was about five years ago. Whatever.

In other news, coming off of hormones sucks a big bag of dicks, as my roommate might say. Seriously. I didn't really imagine that I would even notice a change, considering how small of a dose they are, but this weeks has been trying for me. The first day I had a really strange headache and felt like I was in a fog. Then the past several days I have been grumpy as all hell, and in the mood to pick a fight with everyone. The other night I told husband it might be best if he went out with friends, because I was in such a mean mood, and then I think I complained that he didn't make me dinner.

I also had to go shopping for feminine hygiene products for the first time in approximately ten thousand years and I think it took me twenty minutes to pick out panty liners. I AM NOT USED TO BLEEDING FROM MY VAGINA. And I don't like it. Even though all I'm doing right now is spotting. God help me if I get an actual period. Looks like yet another reason I need to get pregnant.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 5, 2010

All systems go!

I really ought to be sleeping right now, as I have to be at work at six am, which because I am incredibly vain means being awake pre-four a.m. in order to shave my legs and dry my hair and slather on copius amounts of makeup so that I can look really nice for all the other early morning metro riders. Yet here I am, tapping away on my iPhone, beaming in the darkness.

I cannot sleep because I am pretty much thrilled out of my pants. After buying husband a post-difficult job interview ice cream cone we stopped at Albertson's for such staples as cat food and Coke Zero, and husband tells me, as we walk past the dairy cooler, that he had been thinking about babies. On his own! Without any obnoxious whiny wife-prodding! Say what? And then husband informed me that he feels like he will be ready for this procreating business just as soon as his job situation settles down (i.e. he finds a job he likes better than his current), and maybe we should move up this "trying" business to August. August!

I'm thinking that this may in fact be the most romantic thing he's ever said to me. Seriously, I wanted to jump him right there next to the cans of Friskies. And this is not just sexy in the oh, well we'll probably need to do that pesky intercourse thing to actually concieve said babies kind of way, but in a deeply lustful, I just had my IUD removed and there's no way I've built up a pregnancy supporting uterine lining yet, but please take me here and now oh baby, oh baby kind of way.

Alas, husband already made plans to discuss potential job opening with a friend (yes in the middle of the night, why not?) and therefor left me alone in bed where I should probably be sleeping. Really, though, I can't. Babies babies babies babies babies! My cheeks hurt from smiling. Babies! Soon! I feel like I am a completely different person than I was last month.

Maybe I will still be awake when husband gets home...