Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2012

Not such a baby anymore.

I know I just posted about this, but I'll say it again: I love toddlerhood. I do miss Tycho being a tiny squishy helpless newborn, and surely there was a lot that was easier about that stage. Food was simply breasts. No prepping snacks and toys for any trip outside the home. I didn't have to worry about discipline or child proofing or anything really. I will always look back on his babyhood fondly, and perhaps I will forget how hard I found it at the time. But it was hard for me. For both me and Kyle actually. The days felt very long and monotonous and even though he was beyond cute, there wasn't much in the way of positive reinforcement for anything we were doing.

Now can be hard, too. Tycho is boisterous and strong and is always getting in to trouble and on the verge of breaking something or eating something he shouldn't or diving headfirst off the couch. Tantrums happen now, and I still haven't mastered how to deal with them yet. Tycho requires snacks and he has opinions on them and his poop smells really bad now. BUT. But he is so awesome. He gives really great hugs. He gets better at walking everyday. He knows that balls are for throwing and he rolls toy cars along the floor. He is beginning to grasp the concept of gentle with the cats, and boy, does he LOVE the cats! He FINALLY is using baby signs after six months of seeing us do them. This time is so great.

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2012


So, like, yes, I totally love my baby all the time, always and forever, even when he is being a huge butt head. That goes without saying. Since he sprung from my loins and all that. But lately I feel like I am extra super in love with him. I think toddlerhood suits us all very well. I'm squee-city, here. Look at this kid, he is beautiful.

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 8, 2012

Amazing thing, amazing thing, amazing thing, amazing thing!


Things are finally starting to turn around for my little family, and I'm at the point where things are not so secret. A few brief updates:

1) I GOT A PROMOTION! I am now a big fancy pants assistant manager. Haha. I'm really excited about it, though. I've been working my butt off for the past several months to prove myself and I'm so happy it's paid off. I really love what I do, so I'm super happy to climb another rung on the career ladder.

2) We're buying a house! Like, for real. We found a beautiful townhouse in an adorable neighborhood. We had the inspection yesterday, so now we need to do some negotiating, and , fingers crossed, it will be ours in about a month. More to come on that front.


Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 8, 2012


Blog! Why am I so terrible at updating? Ugh.

Life has been busy busy busy. Lots of BIG THINGS happening with us, most of which I don't really want to share until we're not in the thick of things. But the biggest thing of all: FIRST STEPS! Tycho actually took his first steps while I was at work for Ashley, and I am so proud of myself because I wasn't upset in the least about missing it. I am just SO excited about him learning to walk. We've seen quite a few more tentative steps since, and every time I feel like my heart is going to completely burst with joy. So awesome.

Anyway, more content soon. In the mean time, here's some pictures from Tycho's birthday party to tide you over.